Apps with Flutter

Nowadays, the demand for integrating a wide range of development tools and services into a single device, namely smartphones, is constantly increasing. Acknowledging this trend, Google, the colossal tech company, has developed Flutter—its second remarkable achievement after its renowned search engine. This is further reinforced by the fact that nearly 46% of developers are using Flutter, as indicated by a 2022 developer survey.

Flutter offers a diverse array of tools, including UI/UX design, plugins, and cross-platform development. Its rich feature set enables the creation of various types of applications, such as hybrid and responsive apps. Even the development of mobile games poses no challenge for Flutter! Additionally, to cater to a wider user base and provide a seamless experience, the developers consistently implement localization and internationalization features while offering robust support and maintenance for the platform.

As we delve into this article, we will thoroughly explore the extensive capabilities of Flutter, uncover its full functionality, and guide you through the process of crafting your unique solution on your own or accompanied by your reliable software development ally.


Flutter and cross-platform development

Imagine this: you have a grand vision for an app that can conquer both iOS and Android. Enter cross-platform development, the game-changing approach to building apps for multiple platforms simultaneously. And at the heart of this revolution stands Flutter, the chosen framework that empowers developers to create stunning native apps for both iOS and Android using a single codebase. No more splitting your time and resources between separate platforms! Flutter’s secret sauce lies in its ability to share code effortlessly between platforms. With a rich library of widgets and tools, Flutter ensures a consistent user interface and experience across iOS and Android devices. Say goodbye to redundant code and welcome streamlined development and harmonious user experiences. But beware, each platform has its unique characteristics and requirements. To conquer both iOS and Android, you must consider the platform-specific design guidelines, user expectations, and performance optimizations. By addressing these nuances, you’ll create an app that shines on every platform, captivating users and maximizing your reach. In the end, Flutter opens the doors to cross-platform dominance, enabling you to unleash your app’s full potential on iOS and Android. Embrace Flutter's power, harness the efficiency of shared code, and cater to each platform’ distinct needs.


The very first version of Flutter was initially named Sky and primarily targeted the Android operating system. Following its initial development, a series of Flutter v2 previews were showcased during the “Google Developers Day” in Shanghai, held in September 2018. Just a few months later, on December 4th of the same year, Google released the first stable version of this framework. Since then, Flutter has been continuously evolving, introducing new development tools and an array of remarkable features.

Now, let’s explore what truly distinguishes Flutter from other prominent frameworks such as React Native and MAUI. To do so, we will examine the main features of Flutter in comparison to the aforementioned frameworks.First and foremost, all of these systems are designed for cross-platform development, yet each of them represents different approaches.

Flutter offers an exceptional UI that empowers developers to create unique designs for their solutions. This is further enhanced by a comprehensive arsenal of widgets and a feature called Hot Reload, which allows developers to see real-time changes in their code. These aspects contribute to the truly exceptional design capabilities of Flutter apps. In terms of the development environment, all Flutter code is written in Dart. This unified language provides a robust Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that encompasses testing, debugging, code reusability, and the ability to seamlessly integrate with backend systems. However, it’s worth noting that Dart has yet to gain widespread popularity among developers, so it may require some time to become acquainted with the language.

When it comes to React Native, the framework provides the same Hot Reloading feature as Flutter. In terms of the development environment, React Native utilizes JavaScript, which enjoys a significant market share, making it easier for many developers who are already familiar with the language. React Native also boasts high performance speed and cost efficiency as core features. Compared to Flutter, React Native does not offer as extensive an inventory of UI design capabilities. Additionally, there is a need for a significant revision in documentation guides due to the heavy reliance on third-party libraries.

As for MAUI, we cannot overlook its strengths, which include an extensive inventory of .NET tools, unified libraries for guidance, and the Single Project feature, enabling developers to work on multiple projects while maintaining organized elements. However, at present, MAUI falls short compared to Flutter due to the latter’s maturity and stability, making it a more convenient choice for usage.

Feeling overwhelmed by all those letters? Fear not! We’ve got just the thing for you—a nifty comparison table. We’ve spared no effort to ensure that every detail catches your attention.

Flutter vs. React Native vs. MAUI: Feature Comparison
FeaturesFlutterReact NativeMAUI
UI DesignExceptional with a vast arsenal of widgetsExceptional with a vast arsenal of widgetsExtensive inventory of .NET tools
Hot Reload*YesYesYes
IDE** & Development ToolsComprehensive IDE, testing, debuggingWidely supported and familiar languageExtensive .NET tools and libraries
Performance SpeedHighModerateHigh
Cost EfficiencyHighModerateHigh
DocumentationWell-documented, extensive resourcesDocumentation needs improvementComprehensive documentation and guidance
StabilityMature and stableMature, but some dependency on third-party libsNewer, evolving framework
Ease of UsageRequires learning DartFamiliarity with JavaScript is an advantageFamiliarity with C# is an advantage

*Developers can see the changes in their code in real-time **Integrated Development Environment

When it comes to picking the right framework, businesses and developers find themselves navigating a complex maze of considerations. For businesses, it’s like a high-stakes game of chess, where factors like time-to-market, cost-effectiveness, scalability, and market reach are the pieces on the board. On the other side, developers face a challenging quest, seeking the holy grail of ease of use, comprehensive documentation, vibrant communities, powerful tooling, and the ability to conjure captivating user interfaces. The key lies in unraveling this intricate puzzle, aligning the needs of the business with the aspirations of the developers, and forging a path to success in this ever-evolving realm.


Ah, the possibilities that lie ahead, my friend! As you consider Flutter as your framework, you are on the brink of embarking on a journey towards greatness. While you haven’t made a final decision yet, let us delve deeper into the remarkable attributes of Flutter among other cross-platform frameworks. Together, we will explore the boundless opportunities that Flutter brings to the table.

Top 3 advantages for business

  • Quick time-to-market:

    Flutter’s remarkable Hot Reload feature enables faster development cycles, reducing the time it takes to bring your solution to market.
  • Cost efficiency:

    With Flutter’s single code base structure, you can save time, effort, and resources by developing once and deploying on multiple platforms. This cross-platform compatibility ensures cost efficiency and widens your audience reach.
  • Enhanced user experience:

    Flutter empowers developers to create high-quality user interfaces with its rich arsenal of customizable widgets. From animations and motions to assets, images, icons, and versatile text styles, Flutter provides a seamless and engaging user experience.

Top 3 advantages for developers

  • Easy learning curve:

    Flutter offers a developer-friendly environment, making it easy to learn and use. The comprehensive tools, support, and maintenance provided by the framework ensure a smooth development experience.
  • Code reusability:

    With Flutter’s single code base, developers can reuse their code across different platforms, saving time and effort in development and maintenance.
  • Wide language familiarity:

    Flutter’s use of the Dart language, known for its simplicity, provides an advantage for developers who are already familiar with popular languages like Java and C#. This familiarity eases the transition and accelerates the development process.

    With these distinct advantages, Flutter empowers both businesses and developers alike, propelling them towards success in the dynamic world of app development.


With all the considerations made about Flutter, you have chosen it to be your wishmaster. Now, it’s time to set up your development environment, which involves familiarizing yourself with the Flutter architecture, exploring the Flutter SDK and its components, and understanding the Dart programming language. Don’t worry, we will guide you through every step of the way.

First things first, you need to download the Flutter SDK (Software Development Kit), which includes the Dart platform, Flutter Engine, libraries, a comprehensive set of widgets, and DevTools. This SDK is available for Windows, macOS and Linux, ensuring compatibility across multiple operating systems.

Let’s take a closer look at the Flutter architecture, which is designed as an extensible layered system comprising a series of independent libraries, each building upon the underlying layer:

  • At the top framework level, we have Dart, which encompasses widgets, rendering tools, a rich collection of animations, gestures, painting, and the Foundation, Material, and Cupertino libraries. These libraries provide implementations of the current Material and iOS design languages, enabling you to create visually stunning user interfaces.
  • Moving down the layers, we encounter the Engine layer, which leverages C/C++ languages. The engine is responsible for rasterizing composited scenes and providing support for all Flutter applications.
  • Finally, we have the Embedder layer, which serves as the entry point for a specific target platform. Its responsibilities include coordinating operating systems for access to various services, such as Render Surface Setup, Native Plugins, App Packaging, Thread Setup, and Event Loops.

Flutter architectural layers

flutter framework layer
flutter engine layer
flutter embedder layer

Now, let’s focus on the Dart programming language itself and explore its features to gain a deeper understanding of its capabilities.

  • Open Source:

    Under the BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) license, Dart is an open-source programming language that is freely available for use.
  • Asynchronous Character:

    This feature means that the language itself supports multithreading through Isolates, which are independent entities facilitating communication between threads without the need for shared memory. The effectiveness of this communication is achieved through messaging in the form of snapshots, generated by an object and transmitted to another isolate.
  • Object Oriented:

    An object-oriented programming language, Dart encompasses a wide range of features to enhance code reusability and readability. It supports essential OOPs concepts, including classes, inheritance, interfaces, and optional typing. Dart also offers advanced features such as abstract classes, reified generics, and a robust type system, empowering developers to write efficient and modular code.
  • Type-safe:

    Dart’s type system ensures stable checks both at compile-time and runtime, improving code readability and reliability. The system employs annotations to enforce type safety, alerting developers to any modifications made to the code.


Flutter solution-building process

Brace yourself for an exclusive glimpse into the exhilarating journey of building your unique masterpiece with Flutter. And guess what? If you’re craving more in-depth insights and a comprehensive understanding of each step, our exceptional Flutter experts are ready to be your guiding light. So, without further ado, let’s embark on this thrilling ride and catch a sneak peek of the entire process:

  • 1. Creating a new Flutter project:

    The process is as simple as can be. All you have to do is launch the Flutter and select option “Flutter: New Project”. After that, choose the name for your future creation and create the folder, which will become your home directory. Congratulations, you have set up your playing field!
  • 2. Choosing the right widgets:

    Take some time to consider which widgets to use for your application. As was said, Flutter offers a rich inventory of widgets, allowing you to choose the ones that perfectly align with your design expectations for your solution.
  • 3. Implementing business logic:

    A crucial step in creating a successful app. It involves robust communication between the user interface and the database, ensuring seamless workflows. Here’s a pro tip: leverage the expertise of IT business analysts (BAs). They analyze your business processes, align app logic with organizational goals, and supercharge its effectiveness. Collaborating with BAs leads to an app that truly meets your business needs.
  • 4. Speeding up with API:

    To connect different apps and accelerate development, you’ll need to integrate APIs from third-party libraries. These APIs facilitate seamless communication between applications and provide essential tools for integration.
  • 5. Debugging makes perfect:

    In the final stage of development, debugging takes center stage. It’s your secret weapon to ensure a flawless app experience and unleash its full potential. By meticulously fine-tuning every detail and ironing out any lurking bugs, you’ll create a seamless and polished user experience.

At Modsen, we take this process a step further with our Agile approach. We follow a rapid develop-test-deploy cycle in short, two-week sprints. This iterative methodology allows for continuous improvement, enabling you to address issues quickly and efficiently while adding new features that will dazzle your users.


Of course, you are not only creating the solution for yourself but primarily for the users. Allowing them to fully embrace the app’s features, design solutions, and visual components will significantly enhance their experience. So, how exactly can Flutter’s arsenal of UI tools and widgets achieve this? Not only do they attract developers with their wide variety and frequent updates, but they also offer visually appealing designs that seamlessly integrate into any project. However, it’s not just about looking good. A responsive design leads to responsive users. It’s all about empathy—and Flutter takes care of this by providing an extensive range of animations, gesture recognition, motion effects, icons, and assets. With that in mind, feel free to customize your solution using a diverse selection of widgets and animations. You can’t go wrong with that. Just remember to optimize your app to avoid overwhelming it with your creative ideas. Consider splitting large widgets into smaller parts, combining smaller ones into a cohesive whole, and even creating your own widgets. By prioritizing user experience and leveraging Flutter’s powerful UI capabilities, you can create an app that delights and engages users on multiple platforms.


Disturbing Flutter app

The time has finally come to deploy your well-crafted solution to the world. However, before launching the app, it’s essential to test it with trusted users. Firebase App Distribution can be a valuable tool for this purpose. The core idea behind the testing process is to deploy your project to 500 reliable users and gather timely feedback. This will allow you to review and improve your app before delivering an even better version.

After conducting a series of tests and editing, it’s time to generate APKs and app bundles for publishing in the store. Such bundles typically consist of the compiled code and resources of your application, enabling the signing and creation of APK files with a reduced initial download size.

Now that your application is prepared and ready, it’s important to focus on the presentation of your app in the stores:

  • Choose a compelling icon and consider providing a set of icons for different platforms.
  • Create a unique identifier (bundle ID) for your app, keeping in mind that a specific bundle ID can only be issued once.
  • Implement versioning for both iOS and Android (Xcode facilitates versioning seamlessly for iOS, but for Android, it needs to be updated manually).
  • Include screenshots that highlight the main features of your app.

With these steps completed, you’re ready to make your mark in the app stores and share your Flutter app with the world. Good luck on your journey to success!


With its immense potential, it would be unwise to overlook the power of Flutter. This framework has proven to meet the needs of both businesses and users, attracting even industry veterans who are eager to explore its endless possibilities. So, who are the ones that have truly benefited from using Flutter?

  • New York Times.

    As a traditional media outlet faced with the challenges of digitalization, the New York Times needed new ways to engage readers and enhance their experience. Flutter proved to be the answer. The company embraced the framework and transformed its entire media presence with a new built-in app called KenKen puzzle, capturing the essence of modern trends.
  • Alibaba.

    The largest second-hand marketplace in China sought to constantly improve user experience, performance, and design. Flutter provided the winning formula. With a single code base, Alibaba expanded its reach across multiple platforms, creating a seamless and visually engaging marketplace that users find comfortable and intuitive.
  • Google Pay.

    An outstanding multinational payment and expense management solution, Google Pay faced the challenge of a large code base, hindering its expansion into new countries and the implementation of unique features. Choosing Flutter proved to be the right decision. The code base was significantly reduced, saving the engineers’ time and effort by almost 60-70% while enabling them to meet their objectives.
  • eBay Motors.

    Similar to many others seeking a cross-platform development solution, eBay Motors faced tight deadlines in creating a complex application within a year. After careful evaluation, they turned to Flutter. Not only did Flutter meet their expectations, but it also exceeded them. The beta version of their project was deployed within three months of the initial request, and after a few more months of refinement, their solution was polished and ready to launch.

By highlighting these success stories, it becomes evident that Flutter is a powerful tool that enables businesses to achieve their goals and deliver exceptional user experiences.


Summing it all up, it’s really hard to underestimate the potential of Flutter for crafting truly outstanding solutions. In our modern fast-paced world, the winners are those who find a framework worthy of their products and rapidly develop them without compromising quality. While there may be contenders in the future, even better frameworks will only enhance the current features and possibilities for all participants.

When considering businesses and companies, Flutter has proven to be useful and robust, as demonstrated by leading companies across various industries. They have succeeded thanks to the rapid development possibilities, extensive customization options, and user-friendly app creation processes offered by Flutter.

More and more companies are embracing Flutter to follow the path of champions. There is certainly a place for you and your business to thrive. Let's explore Flutter together and watch your business flourish.

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